The movie The Unspoken that Jodelle was in was released today in United States...
Today October 9th 2016 is Jodelle’s 22nd birthday and Beautiful Jodelle would like to...
A audio book called “Wonder Women” about 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed...
Jodelle attended the 2016 Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) which is currently going on...
A movie Jodelle was in called The Unspoken came out in the UK last...
Jodelle was in a thriller movie called The Unspoken, which I have added screencaps...
Screencaps of Jodelle in episode 13 of Dark Matter Season 2 which was the...
Screencaps of Jodelle in Episodes 11 and 12 of Season 2 of Dark Matter...
Over the years that Beautiful Jodelle has been online there has been couple different...
Season 2 episode 10 screencaps of Jodelle in Dark Matter have been added to...