July update is now here and brings new layout and new images. Yesterday Twilight:Eclipse was released to theaters where you can see Jodelle as Bree Tanner, but from what I have heard she only in the movie 3 or so minutes. As you can see the site has new look which most likely will stay until the birthday layout comes. There have been several new images added to the gallery from twilight:eclipse premiere to pre-premiere also pictures from Twilight Night that Jodelle attended in Dallas Texas. I havn’t gotten any of the media added to the archive yet but it is viewable on youtube channel. Also if you head over to Etoile Jodelle gallery there have been new artwork that people have added.

few minutes in the movie to Jodelle, that
In Eclipse, I wasn't expecting that guy to kill Bree like that. 🙁 Her screaming frightened me in the movie. :crying: On top of that, great acting! 🙂
dang ive never seen pictures dat beautiful before jodelles got a BEAUTIFUL smile dat lights up everything the stars the flowers etc infact when she gets up in the morning from sleeping at night and opens her eyes and smiles in the morning thats why the sun comes she her smile makes the sun shine
Jodelle,I love you so much.I like your thrillers.Only thing I feel sad is that I can't see you in my life now.You're beautiful,looking forward your better act.