The March update is here and got some new content in the gallery for you and a new painting from Ersoy has been added to the site. The new content added to the gallery is, Jodelle did the voice overs for Little Sister character in BioShock 2 and last night March 1st Jodelle was a internet radio called ArtistOnDemandRadio and she talked with them for about 40 minutes. Fans were also given the chance to call in and ask Jodelle questions, I was able to get through and ask Jodelle about her work on BioShock 2 which can be viewed in the media in the gallery it is about 20 minutes into the show. They can be found in the BioShock 2 and ArtistOnDemand albums. Also Ersoy has sent pictures of his drawings to the site if you havn’t seen them you can check them out in the user created artwork page. Lastly Beautiful Jodelle was in the Enchanting Starz Awards for Best Gallery and Best Media Selection and won both of the awards and would like to thank everyone that voted for the site, Thank You.