
Where Daddy Works637 views05/12/12 at 18:19Guest_Cliff: Where Daddy Works is the best of all.

Mighty Fine Trailer819 views03/16/12 at 13:14Guest_AMR: "You are remarkable." LOL, true.

Mighty Fine Trailer819 views03/15/12 at 16:36Guest_Guest_sharita taylo: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie Full Appearance650 views01/18/12 at 16:01Guest_Aron Sigurbjörnsso: hello Jodelle this is very good movie

Girl Fight Commercial502 views01/01/12 at 17:14Guest_Aron Sigurbjörnsso: this is so very good movie

In Lunch Room528 views01/01/12 at 17:11Guest_Aron Sigurbjörnsso: this is good movie

In Lunch Room528 views11/09/11 at 03:07Guest_Emerick Akamine: I like watch you movice

Your not Dumb4803 views10/24/11 at 14:20Guest_Amanda: I want to see the movie, but norway dossent have l...

Girl Fight Commercial502 views10/01/11 at 13:03Guest_Guest_sharita taylo: wow...! the trailer seems very intense! other than...

Talking with Mom705 views06/06/11 at 12:42Guest_Isabella: Jodelle Was The Cutest Thing When She Was Little. ...

Ice Quake - I'm a Geek like you Dad687 views06/04/11 at 14:51Guest_Jodelle: Thank you for watching!

Ice Quake - I'm a Geek like you Dad687 views01/02/11 at 02:45Guest_rizziel: ur so beautiful jodelle