Jodelle has gotten a new role in movie called Red. The short description of the movie is “A gripping urban thriller based on the classic fairytale, “Little Red Riding Hood”. Estimated release date on the movie is set for 2012. There is also a movie called “Ion” but there is no information about this movie yet.
Thanks to OCDrey from the forums for the information about Red you can view his full post here titled Films By Neptunes Red
Hello guys thank you for the update about Jodelle’s new movie. Her filipino fans are really looking forward for her new movies.
we ♥ Jodelle ferland so much
♫ nightingale ♪
omg! jodelle ferland i LOVE you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! i love paranorman. the entire time i wanted to know who the witches voice was and when i did i looked you up and became a member of your fan club! BYE!