I have added the full commerical of Pictures of Hollis Woods to the Media Section and screencaps of it and of the official website to the Gallery I’m also going to be moving tommorrow and will have no internet so this will be the last update for awhile. (media section, site updates, image gallery) the cbox and comments will still be supervised being that can be accessed from any computer. I’ll have screencaps and video for Pictures of Hollis Woods added along with other updates and some new stuff added when I return. The movie will air this sunday on CBS at 9/8c.

thanks for the pictures, she looks beatifull, I hope she have a grat future, tanks for all jodelle.
Im new.. but I LOVED jodelle in Pics of Hollis Woods! she is an amazing actress!
I can`t see jodelle in pictures of hollis woods 🙁 :sad:, but I`m proud about her, she is a great person and beutifull actress, I hope you can read this jodelle, bye
I saw the behind the escenes, all are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!111