September is here and it will be Jodelle’s Birthday soon. She will be turning 16 next month on the 9th, Jodelle was only 12 years old when the site opened time sure does fly doesn’t it? The birthday layout you see was created by Serenity who is a amazing graphic designer and now part of the Beautiful Jodelle team. There is a new ET Canada interview that Jodelle did about Case 39 which you can view in the gallery along with screencaps of it added too and pictures from the twilight cruise. Also Jodelle will be attending a twilight convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota this weekend. I was hoping to be able to attend this one but have other obligations I have to fulfill, maybe someday. Oh and if you live in the United States Case 39 has been a new release date for theaters of October 1st 2010 be sure to check it out if you havn’t seen it yet there are also screencaps from Deleted Scenes of Case 39 in the gallery. Remember also about Etoile Jodelle BJ’s and MF’s user created gallery which is great place to upload stuff such as birthday graphics, or Stardom Secured or Teen Celebrity forums to talk about all things Jodelle and other actresses.
Later: Jodelle has cancelled her appearance at the Minneapolis convention

:smile:Cool, Anthony and Serenity, great work!!!